About Me

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I'm a young wife and mom. I live in a small town that my husband grew up in and most of his family still lives here. I have a little weed named Dawson. My life revolves around daycare, work, bath time, supper and rarely getting enough sleep.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sneak Peek! Best Little Bull Sale of the West

There are certain people in life that the instant you meet they become like family. When my husband took me to Cardinal Charolais at Prewitt Ranch I met the two most inspirational, caring, welcoming, and simply amazing people I have ever met. Darren worked for them in college and they become his second parents. From the minute I met them they treated me the same way and I will be forever grateful for these amazing people in my life.

Luan was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and when I first met her she was just starting to climb back up the mountain. Today, you'd never know by looking at her that she was so sick. I thank God everyday that Luan has been able to be a role model to me and has become such a great friend. She is there for me no matter what and always listens to my silliest of vent sessions.

Pat & Luan are the poster children of true American ranchers. They get up everyday and care for their cattle on their eastern Colorado ranch. Other than a few college boys who help them out they do it all on their own. They raise some of the highest quality Charolais cattle in the industry and I consider it an honor to be able to go and help out every year at their sale.

I took a lot of pictures at this sale and I have a TON to share but for now I am going to share just one that I am absolutely in love with. I'll post more tomorrow!

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