I think its hard to sit down and say this is who I am, take it or leave it. I am such a complex person that it is hard to say who I am without giving you a novel. For being only 23, I've experienced a lot of things I shouldn't have and been through events that I don't wish upon anyone. But, with every stumble step I've taken it brought me to where I am today. A place that I am not 100% happy with but its better than anywhere I've been. A place that allows myself the freedom to do the majority of what I want, when I want. I think people come to be who they are by how the react to all kinds of events, people, and influences in their lives.
Most people who know me will tell you a few things.
First, I've been very driven my whole life. I graduated high school a year early and went to college when I was just barely 17. I graduated college in four years just weeks after I turned 21. I finished a Masters of Agriculture in a year. I pushed for a career straight out of college. I've always had good, solid jobs.
Second, I talk a lot. A lot. I will talk to anyone about anything. Very little of my life is too private to share or talk about. I don't keep very good secrets about silly stuff. Everyone always knows what's on my mind.
Third, I like to shop. It's a bad habit that has gotten me in a lot of trouble. But, I'm working on it.
I think you can learn a lot from someone by asking them two questions-
Who has had the most influence in your life?
If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I take a non-traditional approach to answering who has had the most influence on my life. I have really great people surrounding me, now. I haven't always. I have an amazing family with super strong women. I could say my mom or my dad or my grandma which is all great and they all shaped who I am but when I really look at who I have become I believe I am who I am because of who I aim to NOT become. I made some poor friendship choices in high school that led to a long five years of my life. I surrounded myself with a rough rodeo crowd that ultimately led to a marriage and divorce with someone who truly could be used as the definition of the "douche bag cowboy." He really was the reason cowboys have a bad name sometimes. The people that surrounded me while I engulfed myself in his life were not good people. I pray everyday that him and his family are well and have changed their way of life but I could no longer handle the negatives. I learned to not be a negative, abusive, manipulative, lying, cheating, stealing, un-moral person. I try everyday to be the opposite of what I watched and lived for too long.
If I knew I could try anything and not fail, I would dream all day long. I would love to be a pastry shop owner. I would love to be a full time photographer. I would love to be a stay at home mom. The type who does something super exciting with their kids everyday. I would love to be a professional who wears heels every day and lives out of airports. I would love to live in a downtown of a big city.
But most of all I would love to be a wedding planner.