About Me

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I'm a young wife and mom. I live in a small town that my husband grew up in and most of his family still lives here. I have a little weed named Dawson. My life revolves around daycare, work, bath time, supper and rarely getting enough sleep.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


While taking a little side trip to get some Christmas shopping and work done on my new project (stay tuned.... you'll see it soon enough) I stopped on the side of the road to capture something else and these caught my attention.

I just thought there were a really neat plant on the side of the road. They were very lively compared to the rest of the currently dying down Colorado landscape. I couldn't help but snap a few. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I love this time of the year. Dried plants can be so interesting, and they all look beautiful against that blue sky. I also love pictures of harvested fields, such a contrast to how we normally see them.

