About Me

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I'm a young wife and mom. I live in a small town that my husband grew up in and most of his family still lives here. I have a little weed named Dawson. My life revolves around daycare, work, bath time, supper and rarely getting enough sleep.

Friday, October 29, 2010


I love Halloween. I love fall. I love everything about the season changing from summer to fall. I don't believe I have ever truly appreciated the beauty of the year though.

It is amazing to sit down and look at what fall is. It's a time to reflect on a good harvest. We grow things all year round but here in Colorado the vast majority of crops are harvesting in early fall. A good crop means God has blessed you and your family. There is a lot of beauty in the trucks and tractors rolling out to celebrate harvest, good or bad. The leaves changing proves that yet another year has come and gone and growth and rebirth has happened and will happen again next year. But it also is a reminder that life gets dark at time. Days get shorter, nights seem to get a little darker. With the cold weather setting in it reminded me that darkness in the literal sense is setting in on us here in the country. But also figuratively. Darkness happens to everyone but eventually light reappears. Fall brings in the shade and winter is cold but spring brings a new light. I have to remind myself that when my life goes through a sense of fall that eventually there will be a spring.

I love the way this picture turned out. It was actually a very nice, sunny day when the picture was taken but when I saw this group of trees and bushes I thought it looked sinister. It was a not so sunny snapshot that made me think of all of this.

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