About Me

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I'm a young wife and mom. I live in a small town that my husband grew up in and most of his family still lives here. I have a little weed named Dawson. My life revolves around daycare, work, bath time, supper and rarely getting enough sleep.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Reed Photo-Imaging

Last night my blackberry went off with an e-mail at 2am. This isn't uncommon as my blackberry receives e-mail from six different accounts but for some reason it woke me up and I read it. My dad has sent a message out that said check this out with a link to Reed Photo-Imaging. Which is you remember, is the company that I entered a photo contest with (here) and then won the contest with (here). Reed put up a thing on their homepage acknowledging my win and not only the win but that I had the most votes for a single photo EVER! Pretty cool! :) Again, thank you everyone who liked the photo on facebook. Now I need to finish all my editing work so that I can go play and find pictures I want to blow up really big!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    It's a fantastic image and our pleasure to feature you on our home page this month! Just let us know when you are ready to cash in on your big prize!
