This year was the first year we saw another color at the Cardinal sale. Sean and Pat had Angus and Red Angus heifers. So there were "pink" cows.
The bulls are penned by sire groups so buyers can see bulls that are half brothers and compare them.
Lance MacLennan worked at the sale. Great new addition to the team.
The auctioneer Dennis Metzger with two of ring helpers, Lance MacLennan and a gentlemen from California.
Most of Pat's day is spent on the phone.
The sale runs like a well oiled machine. Here are some of the men who worked the back pens to keep things running smoothly.
After bulls go through the ring they are put into large groups and separated later.
Part of Pat & Luan's ranch backs up directly to the Prewitt Reservoir. This body of water was hand made and dug out by horses and mules.
I snuck away and went and found the cow-calf pairs in a far corner of the ranch. This is why I love spring.
Northeastern Colorado is fairly sandy and has been overly dry this year. But there was a small oasis out there.
When the cows heard Darren's pickup they came running thinking we were the feed truck. Unfortunately we didn't have any feed for these girls but it made for a neat shot with them coming over the hill.
This was the first year they offered heifers at the bull sale. They had a wonderful average and really made the sale a success.
Can't wait for next year.
I love your pictures from Pat & Luan's place... I worked there a semester with Nick & Jorge. Great people & Great cattle.